AGENDA ITEM 2(A)2: SP-101-03 – St. Augustine’s Track and Football Stadium
This site is bounded by Oakwood Avenue, North State Street, Glascock Street, Hill Street and Milburnie Road. The site plan proposes parking associated with a proposed stadium and track to be located on the northern portion of the site adjacent to North State Street and Glascock Street. The site is within the City Limits.
This request is to approve the plan for a 1,000 space parking area associated with a proposed track and football stadium with a 5,000 seat bleacher structure. The site is 94.2 acres zoned Office & Institutional-1 (southern half of site) and O&I-1 Conditional Use (northern half of site). This plan requires preliminary site plan approval in accordance with 10-2132.2(c)(1)i. as this plan proposes vehicular surface parking areas that are within 400’ of residential uses. There is a pending Special Use Permit for the Stadium in accordance with 10-2145. (more…)
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Minutes from 10 Feb 2004 Planning Commission meeting
Wednesday, October 15th, 2008Saint Augustine’s Athletic Facility
Wednesday, October 15th, 2008Minutes of the 06 April 2004 city council meeting
Wednesday, October 15th, 2008SU-1-03 – ST. AUGUSTINE SPECIAL USE PERMIT – APPROVED
During the March 16, 2004 Council meeting, the City Council approved SU-1-03-St. Augustine’s – Outdoor Stadium and directed the City Attorney to draft proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. Council members received the information in their agenda packet. Mr. Crowder questioned Conclusion 2-C relating to “No additional cost to park on game day” and questioned how that would be monitored. City Attorney McCormick pointed out it would probably be by complaint. Mr. Crowder asked that wording be changed to “Game or Event Day.” Mayor Meeker moved approval of the special use permit with the friendly amendment suggested by Mr. Crowder which was seconded by Mr. Crowder and put to a vote which resulted in all members voting in the affirmative except Mr. Isley who voted in the negative. The Mayor ruled the motion adopted. The proposed findings and conclusions were as follows:
Minutes from 16 March 2004 city council meeting
Wednesday, October 15th, 2008During the February 17 Council meeting, a hearing was held to consider a request from St. Augustine’s College, 1315 Oakwood Avenue, for a special use permit to allow an outdoor stadium of 5,000 seats to accommodate athletic events and associated activities on a portion of the grounds of the existing St. Augustine’s College campus. The hearing was closed and it was directed that the item be placed on the March 2 agenda for further consideration. During the March 2 meeting, Mayor Meeker presented a set of proposed conditions. The City Attorney was directed to contact St. Augustine’s College officials to determine if the conditions would be workable. It was directed that the item be placed on this agenda for further consideration.
Minutes from 02 March 2004 city council meeting
Wednesday, October 15th, 2008SU-1-04 – ST. AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE – TO BE PLACED ON MARCH 16 AGENDA
During the February 17 Council meeting, a hearing was held to consider a request from St. Augustine’s College, 1315 Oakwood Avenue, for a special use permit to allow an outdoor stadium of 5,000 seats to accommodate athletic events and associated activities on a portion of the grounds of the existing St. Augustine’s College campus. The hearing was closed and it was directed that the item be placed on this agenda for further consideration.
Mayor Meeker stated he feels the Special Use application violates Standards 3 and 5 unless there are additional conditions or amendments. He presented the following proposed conditions which he feels should be included in any special use permit for this situation.
1. Include each of the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission on February 17, 2004.
2. Limit the stadium’s size to no more than 2,500 seats. A stadium for 5,000 – 10,000 spectators will not fit in this area.
3. Require on-site parking of at least 800 spaces for spectator events and require that the cost of such parking be included in the ticket price so that there is no additional cost to park on game day.
4. Review height and lighting issues so that buildings and lights are set back from neighborhood properties and face in the appropriate direction.
5. Limit uses to athletic and academic events which conclude by 7:00 p. m. in the evening so that spectators have left the area no later than 8:00 p.m. Concerts and other events with amplified sound shall not be permitted. The volume of the public address system shall be kept at a moderate level.
6. Monitor construction and operation of facility to be sure that offsite flooding does not adversely affect adjoining properties.
7. Design entrances to stadium which directs traffic to the interior of campus and require that a traffic management plan be approved by the City Council after review by the City’s Transportation Department.
Mayor Meeker pointed out his proposal includes very substantial conditions aimed at making this facility fit into the location if it is determined it should go there. He stated he has not discussed the conditions with any other Council members and questioned if any Council members have conditions they would like to present. He stated if the Council moves forward to approve the case, he feels the conditions he presented or similar conditions are necessary, however if the Council wants to outright deny the application he could understand that motion.
Mr. West stated he had reviewed the Mayor’s proposal, he listened to the evidence and pointed out he feels the Council has to have a balancing act to protect the neighborhood and at the same time allow St. Augustine to move forward. He stated he does not think the location is the right site for a designation type facility. There has been discussion about a joint venture between Shaw and St. Augustine and he thinks that would be a workable type solution. Mr. West questioned if St. Augustine had agreed to the conditions put forth by the Mayor. Mayor Meeker stated he had not discussed it with representatives of St. Augustine. Mr. Isley stated before the Council imposes anything on the college, he would like to know if they agree or could move forward under these conditions. He stated he has a real problem if someone wants to use their own property and it is not allowed. In response to questioning, City Attorney McCormick indicated it would be fine to show the Mayor’s proposed conditions to representatives of St. Augustine and they could simply reply yes or no. Mr. Crowder questioned if the community has had an opportunity to view the proposed conditions. City Attorney McCormick indicated that is a little different and he thinks it is a little more programmatic to circulate the conditions to the neighborhood. He stated he has no problem with representatives of St. Augustine being requested to say they agree or do not agree but to start asking the neighborhood if they agree or disagree presents some problems. Mr. West questioned if the conditions are public information. City Attorney McCormick indicated they are public information and anyone has a right to see the proposed conditions but it would be inappropriate for the Council to take additional comments. He has no problem with a simple yes or no from St. Augustine.
Mr. Hunt talked about the conditions relating to height and lighting. He questioned if there would be some type site plan approval coming back to the City Council. Mayor Meeker pointed out that could be a requirement. Mayor Meeker suggested circulating his proposed conditions to the applicant to get a simple yes or no agreement and at that point the City Council could decide whether to deny the application or approve the application with conditions. Mr. Crowder suggested that the conditions be amended to include some type decibel level as the condition relating to sound as presented by the Mayor could be subjective. It was agreed that the City Attorney could talk with representatives of St. Augustine College to see if the conditions are agreeable or not and the Council would take further action in two weeks.
Minutes from 17 February 2004 city council meeting
A hearing to consider a request from St. Augustine’s College, 1315 Oakwood Avenue, for a special use permit to allow an outdoor stadium of 5,000 seats to accommodate athletic events and associated activities on a portion of the grounds of the existing St. Augustine’s College campus. (SU-1-03)
City Attorney McCormick explained the process. The Clerk swore in those persons who indicated they planned to speak. It was pointed out by City Attorney that apparently there was a video screened at the Planning Commission that had some scenes in which Councilman West appeared. Mr. West did not grant permission and did not know the video was made and presented. He stated Mr. West is in no way endorsing or has talked to anyone about this case.
Planning Christine Darges presented the following staff findings.
1. The facility and activities requested to be conducted therein will not have a substantial adverse impact on surrounding properties including without limitation, stormwater, ducts, smoke or vibration.
The surrounding uses adjacent to the north, west, south and east are primarily single family and some multi-family residential. There is an existing church to the northwest at the corner of Glascock Street and N. State Street and an existing Wake County high school located to the east that fronts on Milburnie Road. The activities requested related to the stadium use are for football, track or athletic events and related activities. The proposed stadium is located on the northern portion of the property with access points off N. State Street and Glascock Street. The facility includes a 5,000 seat bleacher structure 80’ tall with amplification and lighting, plus 1,000 parking spaces to be located on two striped grassed fields, in accordance with 10-2081(b)(1)b. Presently, the campus does not have an on-site storm water detention facility; however, with this proposal, a detention pond shall be installed on the east side of the property adjacent to an existing riparian buffer that will remain undisturbed. The current regulations in Part 10, Chapter 9 require that stormwater be held to the 2 year storm and the proposed plan is that stormwater is to be held to the 2 and 10 year storm, in excess of code minimums. The City Council may take into consideration additional information from the applicant related to dust, smoke as well as vibrations, as there is a sound system proposed for amplification.
The applicant has made reference to a sound study in the application and should submit this to the City Council for consideration.
2. The practical limits of public facilities and services such as stormwater, water and sewer lines, streets, fire, public safety, and trash collection are considered and respected.
It is anticipated that during an athletic event, the construction of 5,000 seat stadium, and association parking, may have an impact on stormwater, sewer and water lines, streets, fire, police and emergency vehicle access as well as trash collection. Existing water and sewer lines are adequate to serve this proposed facility. Street in the area are classified as residential streets with Glascock Street being a minor thoroughfare. The area is built out and the proposal does not include any widening of existing streets. Vehicular access to the proposed parking areas are to be from N. State Street and Glascock Street. Currently on-street parking is permitted on all adjacent public streets. During an event, access to the property for emergency vehicles such as fire and police are to be maintained and have been considered as part of the submitted traffic study from Wilbur Smith and Associates dated January 20, 2004.
The City Council may consider additional evidence at the hearing to determine conformance with this finding.
3. The traffic generated to and from the site will not create unsafe or inefficient parking, loading, vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns with consideration, among other things to the physical character of roads, the classification of roads, accident experience near the site, traffic volumes existing and projected from approved site plans and subdivision, interference with any other driveway, and response time of nearby emergency services such as fire and hospital.
A traffic study dated January 20, 2004 has been approved by the City of Raleigh Department of Transportation. The study includes a traffic control plan that addresses specifics related to traffic flow, direction, cone locations, policing of traffic and how it shall be implemented for an event. The points of ingress for an event are located at Glascock Street, a minor thoroughfare and N. State Street, a residential collector. The points of egress shall be from these two streets as well as an existing drive from the campus that is on Milburnie Road. The proposed parking for the stadium is proposed to require payment which may affect the volume and usage of on-street parking in the area such as N. State Street.
The City Council may consider additional evidence at the hearing to determine conformance with this finding.
The pedestrian system along all public streets will be improved and expanded on as well as private to public links to access the stadium. A pedestrian way shall be added from Milburnie Road as well as from the existing campus area to safely access the stadium. Under consideration by the Planning Commission is the preliminary site plan, SP-101-03, which a public hearing was held on January 27, 2004. Proper implementation of the traffic control plan should not create an unsafe situation as these traffic volumes are expected at event times only and not on a constant basis. Additional information from the applicant as to the frequency of events may be provided as additional information for the Council to consider.
4. The visual separation of buffers are provided which lessen the perceived height and bulk of proposed structures as seen from nearby residential neighborhoods.
Z-80-85, Ordinance No. (1986) 707ZC179, required a 25 foot vegetated buffer along No. State Street and Glascock. The preserved tree buffered strip along N. State Street is 80 feet deep. The buffer along Glascock will be 50 feet deep. The existing tree range from 15 to 60 feet in height. In addition, there is an existing 50’ riparian buffer between the residential uses to the east that front on Delaney Drive which will remain undisturbed. Under story plantings are provided in addition to this to reduce the visual impacts from N. State Street and Glascock Street.
5. The nearby properties are protected from sound amplification and lighting.
South – The applicant has referenced a study to address sound (prepared by Spiers and Waltz). All loud speakers will be positioned at the west and oriented towards grandstand seating. The impact of amplification will directly affect seats in the grandstand. The speakers are intended to be positioned to minimize noise impacts of adjacent neighborhoods. Existing tree buffers as shown on the site plan will reinforce the sound deflection provided by the orientation. Proposed maximum decibel levels may be presented by the applicant to the City Council, which they may consider as additional evidence at the hearings to determine conformance with this finding.
Lighting – the plan has addressed field lighting and parking lot lighting. The applicant proposes to use cut-off fixtures for all site lighting, resulting in no direct light shining up in the sky and will provide glare reduction. In accordance with 10-2089(g)(1-3), the City Council may consider through a special use permit, light height greater than 80’ if provisions for a glare control package are provide and lights are aimed directly at the field area, and the hours of the operation for the lighting system for any event shall not exceed one (1) hours after the end of the event. No adverse effects shall be determined to meet these provisions.
• Field lighting proposes 6 field flood lights on poles, with 4 mounted on the west side of the field on the bleachers with a maximum height of 110’. Two pole mounted lights will be located on the east side of the field facing inward with a maximum height of 80’. Field lighting will not exceed .2 foot-candles measured at the property line.
• Parking lot lighting will not exceed 80’ in height and .1 foot-candles at the property line.
The City Council may consider additional evidence at the hearing to determine conformance with this finding.
6. The facility and activities conducted therein will not be injurious to property or improvements in the affected areas.
The City Council may take into account additional evidence at the hearing to determine conformance with this finding.
7. The off-street parking in accordance with 10-2081 is provided in the amount of one (1) space for every five seats (5) or every five (5) persons of the designated capacity of the assembly place.
For 5,000 seats in the stadium, 1,000 parking spaces are required and provided and located in two proposed grassed areas, currently permitted in accordance with 10-2081, parking exceptions. Individual spaces will be delineated with taping and attendants.
8. The site is not located in a primary watershed protection area.
This site is not located in a primary watershed protection area.
Ms. Darges summarized the report.
City Attorney McCormick indicated the Planning Commission had forwarded some recommendations relating to the associated site plan. He stated a representative of the Planning Commission would like to make a presentation pointing out they are not arguments for or against the facility just comments.
Mark Everette, Vice Chair of the Planning Commission, pointed out as a part of the Planning Commission’s approval of the site plan they forwarded a memo outlining seven points. The memo was as follows:
1. The proximity of the stadium to the surrounding neighborhood suggests that there may be some spill-over onto nearby residential streets from pre- or post-football game activities. If littering should become a problem for residents, a program of litter removal along adjacent neighborhood streets immediately following events at the facility should be developed and followed by the College.
2. Night time events pose the greatest concern for the neighborhood because of decreased visibility and the perception of less control over the movement of traffic and pedestrians through area streets. It is strongly suggested that events in the proposed facility should be limited to daylight hours (except such sporting events that may occasionally extend into the early evening hours), should be athletic or academic in nature, and conducted by and for the College community.
3. The location, size and use of the facility may occasionally generate noise levels in excess of code standards. It should be understood that each event requesting amplified entertainment will require a Special Use Permit. Because ordinary sporting events and assemblies are not so regulated, it is recommended that the College and the City monitor noise levels in the surrounding neighborhood on a regular basis and institute such measures as needed to control noise levels.
4. Vehicle and pedestrian movement before and after stadium events will be significantly different than the College and neighborhood has experienced in the past. It is anticipated that there will be some unforeseen impacts on property owners and campus facilities. The approved site plan SP-101-03 requires the College to prepare and operated a traffic management plan for each event, and insure that an adequate number of public safety officers are assigned. It is recommended that the College form a steering committee with neighborhood residents to monitor and adapt the traffic plan as needed, and that this be a condition of the Special Use Permit approval. If changes or amendments are requested to the types of activities, then the traffic as well as access points will be evaluated.
5. A number of access points into the campus should be available during events in order to minimize the traffic and pedestrian impact in any one area. Many of these access points are ordinarily closed for security purposes. It is recommended that the Hill Street entrance on the east side of the College campus should be opened to the public during events and that a pedestrian path be provided along this drive from the entrance to the stadium.
6. It appears unlikely that parking on neighborhood streets will be a chronic problem because of the size of the student body and orientation of facilities on campus. However, if spill-over parking from College events and day to day operation becomes a problem, the neighborhood may petition the City to participate in the Parking Permit Program. It is recommended that the Council give special attention in considering such a petition.
7. Neighborhood residents expressed a concern that pre- and post-game celebrations involving alcohol may occur in Lions Park or Oakwood Park. It is recommended that the City monitor the activity in these parks during events and involve the College and the neighborhood steering committee in addressing any problems that arise.
Mr. Everette highlighted the memo. The following persons spoke in support of the application.
Dr. Diane Suber, President of St. Augustine’s; Track Coach George Williams, St. Augustine’s College; Football Coach Michael Coster, St. Augustine’s College; David Faulk, 7200 Stonehenge, Member of the Board of Directors of St. Augustine’s College, Tom Hester, 1620 Hillsborough Street; and, Attorney Clyde Holt representing St. Augustine’s College.
Dr. Suber talked about the history of St. Augustine’s, the role they play in the community, the importance of academics, the importance of a football program at St. Augustine’s for the student alumni and the area in general, need to have a facility on campus and efforts they have made in working with the community as well as their use of Sanderson and Enloe facilities for their game. She stated they were in agreement with the comments forwarded by the Planning Commission. A booklet entitled, “Saint Augustine’s College – Proposed Athletic Complex” dated February 2, 2004 was presented.
Dr. Suber talked about things they have agreed to such as not holding concerts, not having any outside activities and policing the area. She pointed out they would comply with all noise ordinances and make adjustments when necessary. She stated they understand it will increase traffic and the number of people in the area but they think they have a traffic pattern that has been adequately reviewed by the Planning Commission and meets all standards. She feels they have met the challenge and are addressing the concerns. She stated they would not know all of the pieces until they play their first game but would make any adjustments necessary. She again talked about their use of Enloe and Sanderson fields, the contracts they have which addresses cleanliness, etc., there and the understanding they will do the same at this stadium. She talked about their commitment to the neighborhood as they feel the facility will enhance and expand opportunities, they would make it available to the youth, senior citizens, etc. She stated there had been a suggestion that they develop a community oversight which will stay on board after construction is over. She pointed out they are in this for the long run and feel the facility would be an asset to the College, the Southeast community and the Raleigh community at large and she sees it as a win-win situation. She called on the Council to approve the special use permit.
In response to questioning from Mayor Meeker, Dr. Suber stated they understand in order to have concerts at the facility if approved they would have to come back for a special use permit. She stated they do not anticipate they would have late night events but it is conceivable that they might have night games or track events that go into the early evening. They are asking to not be restricted to no night games or night academic events. Concerts would be a separate issue. She stated she is talking about events that would be driven by their programs such as commencements, Founders Day and other type events such as that.
Coach Williams talked about the need for an athletic facility and office space for all of the coaching staff. He stated they have world class athletes but they have to use facilities which belong to other entities. They would like to have a facility they could be proud of and their athletes could be proud of. He talked about the number of outstanding athletes St. Augustine has produced. He responded to questions about how many people attend various St. Aug events now with it being pointed out usually it is between 1,200 and 1,500. There have been occasions where there were 3,000 to 4,000 people. He stated they would like to see a facility in which they could host international events.
Coach Costner talked about the success of the football team and spoke to the need of home facilities to fulfill commitments that have been made. Approximately 50 student athletics stood in support of the remarks.
David Falk, member of the Board of Trustees, pointed out he has over 35 years in real estate and talked about the future of St. Aug. The facility is needed to help with that growth and provide opportunities for the surrounding neighborhood. He stated property values in close proximity to colleges and universities are not negatively impacted by college growth actually the opposite is true. He stated he feels facilities help provide opportunities for the neighborhood.
Tom Hester talked about property values and the impact on property values of facilities such as this. He explained they had done a ring study and explained out the information they had gathered. He talked about the sale price of homes in the various rings and pointed out he did not feel the facility would have a negative impact. He told of how they had developed the study.
President Suber asked that the students in the audience that are not a part of an athletic team who are in support of the facility to stand. Approximately 40 people stood. Dr. Suber pointed out this is not a decision and a request they blundered into. There are many valid reasons for moving forward and making the request. She stated they feel they have met the letter of the law as well as the spirit of the law. She feels construction of the facilities is vital to the college. They are willing to work with adjacent property owners to make this change.
Attorney Clyde Holt asked that the reports which were presented to be a part of the official record and pointed out the traffic engineer and the architect are present to answer any questions.
Heidi Miller, 613 Edmonds Street, presented a notebook entitled “Neighbors Opposing the St. Augustine’s Stadium and Location” and asked that it become a part of the record. Ms. Miller talked about the information included in the application and the feeling that the presentation and application has conflicts and spoke to the issue of revenue producing no outside events, concerts no concerts, restriction on evening hours height of lights, stormwater, debris, paid parking versus free on-street parking, projected attendance at games, visitors stand, the need for permanent parking on campus, height of buildings adjacent to single-family homes, need for a sound study, decibel readings from Enloe games, public nuisances, why they are requesting 5,000 seats and main entrance to the facility.
Skip Brandberg pointed out he lives 200 feet from the proposed pedestrian entrances. He talked about people utilizing free parking instead of the paved parking, overflow parking, the neighborhood streets being narrow, no sidewalks, pedestrian safety, emergency vehicles, student parking habits and concerns that St. Augustine’s College have not addressed all of their concerns.
He questioned the information presented about property values and impact on property values. Also questioned the financial stability of the college and the ability of the college to maintain the facilities as well as comments relative to revenue producing events and revenue stream and statements that the facility could not support itself. The fear that they will come back and ask for additional events and financial stability and problems of the college.
Betty Poole an Alumni of St. Augustine spoke in opposition pointing out she agrees the college needs a stadium but it should be constructed at a more appropriate location.
Leslie Kingsley, 2311 Stevens Road, presented letters from people outlining problems they have had with games played at Enloe High School.
Mary Sharpe, 625 Delaney Drive, expressed concern about traffic on Delaney Drive. She talked about the history of the area and concerns they have.
Andy Malinowski, 701 Monroe Drive, questioned if the City is going to take on the responsibility to address the issues put forth by the Planning Commission. He asked that all of those issues be addressed before moving forward.
John Seitz, 721 Glascock Street, expressed concern about property values and the negative impact this facility could have on the area.
Approximately 25 people stood in opposition.
Attorney Holt pointed out it is somewhat unfortunate that this special use process has become adversarial. St. Augustine’s has tried to work with the neighborhood and it was their idea that a steering committee be appointed. He asked that the information that was submitted become a part of the record as it was expert testimony and pointed out it was not their intent to make objections concerning hearsay or relativeness of the testimony presented. He stated they have technical witnesses available including representatives of Wilbur Smith and the Lucas Group who would be glad to answer questions.
Terry Brothers, Wilbur Smith, talked about his qualifications and testified to the number of trips per day such a facility would generate. He indicated he feels it would be around 1,300 to 1,400 pointing out you have to factor in drop-off traffic, students living on campus and students close enough to campus to walk. He spoke to the number of public parking spaces and the potential for overflow parking. Ms. Cowell asked about paid versus free parking and how paid parking would impact the neighborhood. How one could insure that the parking plan is implemented as well as the security, who will provide security and the security plan that has been submitted was talked about. Dr. Suber pointed out they have an internal police department and they would employ off-duty sheriff and police personnel. She talked about the agreement with CIAA as it relates to security. Ms. Cowell asked questions concerning the amount of buffer. The architect talked about the required setback, where buffers will be, additional landscaping and work the architect/designer has done in other locations on similar facilities. The status of the site plan, steps to address the safety concerns, parking, how the plan exceeds the requirements and/or will meet the needs was talked about by the architect. Whether a sound study has been done, the financial wherewithal of the college and the board’s position that there will be no construction started until the money is available, the standards that are imposed by the City was talked about. Attorney Holt spoke about the study and the commitment of St. Augustine to meet all the requirements plan to work with the neighborhood to make sure their concerns are met and their desire to work with the neighborhood and how the stadium would be used was talked about.
Doug Willis, Civil Engineer, indicated he feels the proposal meets all of the regulations as it relates to water, sewer and stormwater. Attorney Holt stated they would continue to work with the neighborhood.