During the February 17 Council meeting, a hearing was held to consider a request from St. Augustine’s College, 1315 Oakwood Avenue, for a special use permit to allow an outdoor stadium of 5,000 seats to accommodate athletic events and associated activities on a portion of the grounds of the existing St. Augustine’s College campus. The hearing was closed and it was directed that the item be placed on the March 2 agenda for further consideration. During the March 2 meeting, Mayor Meeker presented a set of proposed conditions. The City Attorney was directed to contact St. Augustine’s College officials to determine if the conditions would be workable. It was directed that the item be placed on this agenda for further consideration.
Mayor Meeker indicated Council members received a memorandum from the City Attorney relative to discussions with St. Augustine representatives. It was pointed out the University has consented outright to four of the conditions and conditionally consented to the remaining three and made some suggestions relative to sound and light consultants and the number of events at night. He went over the conditions he had suggested and what representatives of St. Augustine’s had agreed to. He indicated the university said it could consent to a seat limit of 3500. Mayor Meeker stated he had proposed 2500 and he feels that would be appropriate, pointing out if they move forward with the 2500 they can always come back and request additional seats. Mr. Isley stated he could support the 3500 seat stadium pointing out he has problems dictating what people can and cannot do with their property.
Mayor Meeker moved approval of the special use permit with the following conditions:
1. Include each of the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission on February 17, 2004.
2. Limit the stadium size to 2,500 seats.
3. Require onsite parking of at least 800 spaces for spectator events and require that the cost of such parking be included in the ticket price so that there is no additional cost to park in game day.
4. Review height and lighting issues with the understanding the University will hire a sound and light consultant to work with them. The consultant will report their findings to the University and the Planning Department.
5. Limit uses to athletic and academic events which conclude by 7:30 p.m. with the understanding they are allowed four academic events to be held at night provided they are concluded by 10:00 p.m. No concerts would be allowed.
6. Monitor construction and operation of facility to be sure off-site flooding does not adversely affect the adjourning properties.
7. Design entrances to the stadium which directs traffic to the interior of the campus and require that a traffic management plan be approved by the City Council after review by the City Transportation Department.
Mayor Meeker’s motion was seconded by Mr. West and put to a roll call vote which resulted in all members voting in the affirmative except Mr. Isley who voted in the negative. The Mayor ruled the motion adopted and stated the City Attorney would draft the proposed finding of facts and conclusions of law and present those to the Council at the April 6 Council meeting for final consideration.