Below is the latest revision of the draft East CAC bylaws.
Bylaws of the East Citizens Advisory Council
Revised 18 October 2011
Article I. Organization And Purpose
1. Purpose. The East Citizens Advisory Council (East CAC) is a voluntary organization of citizens whose purpose is to advise the Raleigh City Council on the needs of the citizens of its area and to assist in developing, evaluating, and implementing solutions to the wide range of problems affecting the Raleigh metropolitan area. The East CAC may solicit information from its communities and from appropriate agencies, institutions, or individuals, and may communicate its views on relevant matters to other governmental or private agencies, institutions, or officials.
2. Boundaries. The East CAC shall include the area bounded by Poole Road, to New Bern Avenue, then from Raleigh Boulevard to Glascock Street, Brookside Drive and Atlantic Avenue to Crabtree Creek and along Crabtree Creek to Poole Road or as designated by the City of Raleigh.
3. Membership. The membership of the East CAC consists of all persons aged 18 or older and residing within the area described above.
4. Voting. Decisions of the East CAC will be by majority vote of the members present.