Archive for July, 2010

East CAC meets tonight

Monday, July 19th, 2010

East CAC will be meeting Monday, July 19th at 7 PM at Lions Park Community Center, 516 Dennis Avenue.

This month we’ll hear from Diane Upshaw on water conservation. As a timely complement to her presentation, the Community Services Department will be giving away low-flow shower heads. We’ll also hear from Laura Aiken about building healthy communities. Both talks should be timely and interesting.

This month we’ll be accepting nominations for our CAC officers, on which we will vote during our next meeting in September (the East CAC will not have a meeting in August). Also, mark your calendars for our first East Raleigh Community Day on August 14th.

Draft minutes from June 2010 East CAC meeting

Monday, July 19th, 2010

East CAC Meeting Minutes
June 2010
Submitted by Secretary Sue Sturgis

Chairman Mark Turner called the meeting of the Raleigh East CAC to order shortly after 7 p.m. on Monday, June 21 at Lions Park Community Center. The meeting was recorded, with streaming video available at The May minutes were approved with the correction of a typo.

Announcements: On June 22 the City Planning Department will hold a transition workshop to discuss zoning around different types of uses. The neighborhood association and CAC portion of the workshop is from 4 to 5:30 p.m.; there will also be a community workshop later that evening. This is of interest to the ECAC since the group will be involved in the redevelopment of the New Bern and Capital Boulevard corridors.

The Capital Boulevard study workshop will take place on Thursday, June 24 at Bobby Murray Chevrolet. Registration will begin at 6 p.m., and the meeting is scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30. Please pre-register if you can so the city has an idea of how many people to expect.

Drugs workshop at St. Matthew AME

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

Drugs Uncovered: What parents need to know!
A Must-See Workshop for Parents!

What: Workshop and Exhibit
Learn ways to talk to kids about drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
Learn current drug trends.
Identify signs of substance abuse.
Explore “our” teenager’s bedroom.
Identify the ways teens are using common and unique items to conceal and use drugs, alcohol and tobacco.


Where: St. Matthew African Methodist Episcopal Church, Raleigh NC

When: Tuesday, July 20th, 2010 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Participants will receive FREE materials including resources on raising drug- and alcohol-free teens.

Seating is limited. Reserve your spot today!

Please Contact:
Mrs. Wood & Gina Dean
saintmatthewame at bellsouth dot net
RSVP by Monday, July 19th, 2010

Download the flyer here.

Z-24-10, convenience store at Poole and Norwood

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

Daniel Coleman has filed a new rezoning request for the convenience store at Poole and Norwood. The case, Z-24-10, is scheduled for a public hearing on October 19, 2010.

I do not have any other information on this new case. I do not yet have a copy of the new zoning request and it is not yet posted to the Planning website. I will let you know when these are available.