Seeking nominees for Neighborhood Recognition Awards

The East CAC is now accepting nominations for the Neighborhood Recognition Awards. If you know a worthy individual, non-profit organization, institution, or group in our CAC who deserves to be recognized, please send your nominations to cac-leadership at We’ll take nominations at Monday’s meeting as well.

See below for more information. Thanks!

East CAC

Beginning in 1977, the Raleigh Citizens Advisory Council (RCAC) has been recognizing significant efforts by property owners and community groups/individuals to enhance the health, safety, and appearance of their neighborhoods. This year the RCAC asks each individual CAC to select one award winner to be honored October 21, 2009, at a ceremony held in Room 304 of the Raleigh Convention Center. The awards are designed to acknowledge those unsung heroes who work without thought of praise to make our communities better at the grassroots level and in so doing, elevate the quality of our lives and of our city.


1. Residential property or privately-owned, small business property that has made a significant impact on the quality of life within that CAC
2. Educational institution or non-profit organization that has partnered with a neighborhood group or organization.
3. Community service project within your CAC district
4. An individual who had contributed significantly to the well-being of the CAC community.
5. A grassroots organization or neighborhood group within the CAC

Award Selection Criteria

The individual CACs use the following evaluation criteria when reviewing and selecting their honoree. How well did the project/person/business/group improve the neighborhood by:

1. Enhancing the visual environment
2. Preserving the character of the area
3. Improving buildings, landscaping, or signage
4. Preserving or enhancing the natural environment
5. Contributing to the community and neighborhood initiatives

Go here for more information and for nomination forms.

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