The East CAC will hold its next meeting on Monday, 21 September at 7 PM at Lions Park Community Center, 516 Dennis Avenue.
We will hear from Jay Mercer, Director of the City’s Emergency Management Center, who will talk to us about Emergency Preparedness, both from what the City does to prepare for disasters, etc. to what the citizens should do to prepare themselves. He will also bring along someone to talk about the CERT (Community Emergency Response Training) training that is available to those who may be interested.
We will also hear from our CAC’s OPED committee regarding its recommended action on Z-18-09, the rezoning of the convenience store property at Poole Road at Norwood. East CAC residents will then vote on this rezoning request.
Last but not least my term as East CAC Chair is expiring, so we’ll be taking nominations at this meeting for voting at our October meeting.
We hope to see you there!
Mark Turner
East CAC