Greetings, neighbors! Our monthly CAC meeting will take place Monday, April 20th at 7PM at the Lions Park Community Center.
This month we’ll brainstorm about development in the commercial areas around our neighborhoods. Have ideas of what you’d like to see on Capital Boulevard or in Longview Gardens Shopping Center? Share your ideas and let’s make it happen! We’ll also discuss ways to reach more of our neighbors through the formation of a neighborhood planning committee. Learn how you can help get the word out about our CAC.
Last, but not least, we’ll be electing our new East CAC Vice Chair. Eastsiders Pam Singleton and Van Alston are our current nominees, though we’ll also take any last-minute nominations before the vote.
Below is the full agenda. See you Monday!
Mark Turner
East CAC
April 20, 2009
7:00 p.m.
1.Welcome & announcements from the Chairman; Approval of Minutes (7:00 -7:15)
2.Vice Chair – Nominations & Voting (7:15 – 7:30)
3.Police Report: (7:30 – 7:50) Concerns/Issues/Q&A
4.Parks & Recreation Report – Christie Jones (7:50 – 8:00)
5.East CAC Neighborhood Planning Committee (8:00 – 8:05)
6.Rezoning Cases: (8:05 – 8:35)
Z-18-09 (new) Poole and Norwood
Z-15-09 (returning) Donald Ross Dr.
Z-16-09 (voting) New Bern Ave.
7.ECAC Economic Development Issues (8:35 – 8:50) (Capital Blvd, Longview Gardens Shopping Center, etc.)