East CAC Meeting at 7PM Monday

Hi neighbors! It’s time again for our meeting! The East CAC will meet at Lions Park Community Center from 7 to 8:30 PM Monday night.

Our speaker will be Eric Lamb, Raleigh’s transportation services manager. He’ll be here to discuss the process of getting sidewalks put in, the costs associated with it, and any other questions you might have. If you’ve ever wondered how sidewalks might fit in our neighborhoods, now is the time to ask!

Also on the agenda are two zoning cases. We’ll hear about Z-18-09, the convenience store at the corner of Poole and Norwood. We’ll also revisit Z-15-09, the 512 and 604 Donald Ross Drive properties.

We’ll also discuss potential ways to better organize our CAC so that we get more of our neighbors involved. You’ll get a chance to add your ideas or volunteer to help out if you’d like.

We’ll also be accepting nominations for CAC Vice Chair to take over for Andrew LeLiever, who is stepping down. If you want to take a more active role in our CAC, please consider running: it’s a great way to serve your community!

Last but not least, I will be collecting donations at the meeting for our neighbor Brenda Pulley. If you’ve got clothing (size 6), shoes (size 6 1/2), dishes/kitchenware, towels, sheets, or other items, please consider bringing them to our meeting. You can find a list of items she has and items she needs by visiting the East Raleigh website at http://www.eastraleigh.org.

Minutes from our February meeting will be approved at this meeting. You may review the minutes at http://www.eastraleigh.org.

Below is our official agenda. See you Monday!

East CAC Chair

1.Welcome & announcements from the Chairman

2.Approval of Minutes

3.Nominations for Vice Chair

4.Police Report: Concerns/Issues/Q&A

5.Parks & Recreation Report – Mark Wilson

6.Rezoning Cases:
Z-18-09 (new) Poole and Norwood
Z-15-09 (returning) Donald Ross Dr.

7.Presentation on potential new neighborhood sidewalks in the area – Eric Lamb, Dept. of Public Works

8.Other Business
East CAC Neighborhood Planning team formation


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