East CAC proposed bylaws

Below is the latest revision of the draft East CAC bylaws.

Bylaws of the East Citizens Advisory Council

Revised 18 October 2011

Article I. Organization And Purpose

1. Purpose. The East Citizens Advisory Council (East CAC) is a voluntary organization of citizens whose purpose is to advise the Raleigh City Council on the needs of the citizens of its area and to assist in developing, evaluating, and implementing solutions to the wide range of problems affecting the Raleigh metropolitan area. The East CAC may solicit information from its communities and from appropriate agencies, institutions, or individuals, and may communicate its views on relevant matters to other governmental or private agencies, institutions, or officials.

2. Boundaries. The East CAC shall include the area bounded by Poole Road, to New Bern Avenue, then from Raleigh Boulevard to Glascock Street, Brookside Drive and Atlantic Avenue to Crabtree Creek and along Crabtree Creek to Poole Road or as designated by the City of Raleigh.

3. Membership. The membership of the East CAC consists of all persons aged 18 or older and residing within the area described above.

4. Voting. Decisions of the East CAC will be by majority vote of the members present.

Article II. Nomination, Election, and Duties of Officers.

1. Officers. There shall be two Co-chairs of the East CAC and one Secretary. Initially, one Co-chair shall be elected for a one-year term and the other for a two-year term. After the first year, one Co-chair shall be elected on alternate years. The Secretary will be elected for a two-year term.

2. Nomination of Officers. Following appropriate consultation with the East CAC, the Co-chairs shall no later than the regular monthly meeting scheduled in October of each year appoint a Nominating Committee of at least three members, to accept nominees for the officer positions. The nominating committee shall submit its written report of nominations to the East CAC membership at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting prior to the meeting for the election of officers. Nominations for such officers may also be made from the floor.

3. Election of Officers. Elections shall be held at the January meeting. Officers shall be elected by a majority of voting members present at the time of the elections.

4. Vacancy. In the event of a vacancy in any office, a special election shall be held to fill the vacancy
for the unexpired portion of the term, following the nominating and election procedures in Article II, Sections 2 and 3. In the event of the failure of either officer to carry out his/her duties, the office may be declared vacant by a vote of the East CAC.

5. Duties. The Co-chairs shall prepare the agenda, preside at the East CAC meetings, present decisions of the East CAC to the proper governmental agencies, represent the East CAC at Raleigh City Council meetings and Raleigh Citizens Advisory Council (RCAC) meetings, inform the East CAC of RCAC and governmental actions, and appoint committees.

Co-chairs shall preside at the East CAC meetings, represent the East CAC at Raleigh City Council and Raleigh Citizens Advisory Council (RCAC) meetings. The Co-chairs shall also collaborate with preparing meeting agendas. The Secretary shall record minutes of regular meetings of the East CAC.

Article III. Meetings

1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be on the third Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at Lions Park Community Center or a place designated in advance by the Co-chairs. During months in which members are likely to be traveling (December and either July or August), the Co-chairs may opt not to hold a meeting. Such notice shall be provided by the Co-chairs at least one month in advance. All meetings shall be open to the public.

At a minimum, at least four meetings shall be convened each year.

2. Other Meetings. Special meetings may be called by consent of the executive committee if the need warrants such a meeting. Notice will be given by using the mailing list and/or email list.

3. Parliamentary Authority. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the East CAC meetings in cases in which they are applicable.

Article IV. Amendment of Bylaws

1. Amendments. These bylaws may be amended, changed, or replaced by the affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members present at any regular or special meeting of the East CAC,
provided that there is a quorum present and that the mailed agenda for said meeting has included notice a vote on bylaws amendments including a description of the amendment to be considered.

ADOPTED _________________________________________

Chair, East CAC

Chair, East CAC

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